原文:Dave Mustaine is releasing his own guitar app for iPad/iPhone to teach you how to play Megadeth tunes. It’s interactive. It’s real. It’s the bomb. He’s going to select 10 guitarists to be Beta Testers from his Cyber Army fan club. You don’t have to be good, you just need a guitar, and an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch… And most importantly, you need to want to shred like Megadeth. Interested? Check for more info at the Megadeth Cyber Army!
Dave大叔发布了他自己的苹果app软件来教你怎样演奏megdeth的曲子。 很互动很真实很暴力~! 他将要挑选10名吉他手来试用此款软件的测试版本, 这10名吉他手将来自他的cyber army(网络大兵)俱乐部。
你不需要多优秀, 你只需要一把吉他,一个ipad或iphone或itouch, 并且最重要的是, 并且你要有megadeth的分享精神。 感兴趣吗? 那么去cyber army俱乐部查看更多细节 http://cyberarmyforums.megadeth.com/index.php