《The Beijinger》采访吉他大师 Paul Gilbert

1. How many times have you played “To Be With You”?
你们演奏了多少次“To Be With You”这首歌?

PG: Not enough times. That’s why Mr. Big is coming to Beijing. We need to play that song some more.

2. When was the first time the audience sings along with you? What was it like?
2. 第一次有歌迷与你们合唱是什么时候?是一种什么样的感觉?

PG: I was a teenager when I started playing in rock bands. At that time, I wasn’t so concerned about the audience singing with me. I just wanted them to rock! When I joined Mr. Big in my twenties, I experienced the audience singing together with us. It actually surprised me at first, but I liked it. Our audience sings pretty well, so it sounds good.

3. What is the scariest city you’ve toured?

3. 哪一个你巡演过的城市是最恐怖的?

PG: I did a guitar clinic in Guatemala. Most of the shops and restaurants had security people with machine guns standing outside. That was a bit unsettling.


4. Where are most of your fan letters from? Do you read them?

4. 乐迷给你的信最多来自哪里?你会读它们吗?

PG: I have an e-mail address on my website, and I read a lot of the e-mails that people send to me. I like replying to musical questions. I’m always interested in music. The e-mails come from all over the world.


5. What was the funniest fan letter you’ve read/ heard?

5. 哪一封乐迷的来信是你读过最滑稽的?

PG: Recently, I’ve been using a small video monitor in front of me onstage. It is connected to a camera that is pointed at the drums. That way, I can always see what my drummer is playing, and I can play more accurately with the band. I got an e-mail from a fan who saw me watching my monitor. She thought I was checking Twitter messages or looking at pictures of my wife while I was playing the concert. I was impressed at her imagination. I’m just looking at the drummer!

: 近来我一直在舞台上设置了一台小型视频监视器。它连接着一台架在鼓旁边的摄像机。这样一来,我就可以看到我的鼓手在演奏什么,我就可以和整个乐队更融合。有一天我接到了一位注意到了我看这个视频监视器的乐迷的来信。在信中她说她以为我是在边演奏边Twitter或是在看我妻子的照片。我真的很佩服她的想象力。但我只是在看我的鼓手而已!

6. What did you feel when you cut your hair short?

6. 当你将头发剪短之后的感受时什么?

PG: It was amazing because I could go to public places and people would be nice to me. When I had long hair, I think everyone was scared of me.


7. Ever thought about get your long hair back?

7. 是否曾想过再留长发?

PG: I grew it pretty long a few years ago, and then I cut it short again. I don’t really think about it much. I think about music and guitar a lot more.


8. You still sound so young in your new album and look young in your new music video, what’s your secret?

8. 你在你的新专辑中听起来还是那么年轻并且你在你新的音乐录影中看起来也很年轻,你的秘诀是什么?

PG: Playing in a rock band keeps you young! I like to eat good food. I don’t drink much alcohol, and I never smoke.

9. What was the most intense moment you’ve had with each other?

9. 你们在一起最紧张的时刻是什么?

PG: Every show is intense. We put all of our energy into our show every night.


10. If you have a chance to say something you’ve never shared before to the other members, what would you say?

10. 如果你有个机会对你其他的乐队成员说出你以前从未说出的话,你会说什么?

PG: I think they know everything. We spend a lot of time together.


11. Any difference of the band hit you when you got back to studio after the reunion?

11. 当乐队重组之后又什么让你觉得不同的吗?

PG: It’s all the original members, so it feels the same to me. I’m happy about that. I want to keep our sound!


12. Who’s your favorite Japanese actress?

12. 你最欣赏的日本女演员是谁?

PG: I pay attention to musicians more than I do actors or actresses. There’s a Japanese singer named Epo that my wife listens to a lot. I think she sings and writes really well.


13. What do you think about the 2012 theory?

13. 你对2012预言有何感想?

PG: Is that the Aztec calendar thing? I don’t really know anything about it. Myths and superstition aren’t very interesting to me.


14. What’s the most expensive thing you own?

14. 你拥有的最贵的东西是什么?

PG: My house was more expensive than my guitars, but I love my guitars more.


15. Name three young bands that you like.

15. 说出3支你喜欢的年轻乐队。

PG: I like Melody Gardot a lot. I like Justin Currie too, but he’s not so young. And I just discovered Magic Sam and he’s not even alive. Sorry, I don’t know very many new bands.

答:我很喜欢Melody Gardot. 我也喜欢Justin Currie,但是他不是很年轻。而且我刚刚喜欢上了Magic Sam的音乐但是他已经不在世了。抱歉,我对年轻乐队知道的不多。

16. What was the last thing you heard about China?

16. 你最近一次听到过有关中国的事是什么?

PG: I know that we’re going to play some concerts in China, and I think that is fantastic. I remember in the early days of Mr. Big, our managers would tell us that it was impossible to get permission to play in China. I’m really glad that our countries have become friendlier so we can come and play our music. Also, my guitar company, Ibanez, makes some guitars in China. I just got a new Ibanez hollowbody guitar that was made in China and it’s great!

Thank you,