2010年10月12日,吉他中国10周年盛典上海站在MAO LIVE HOUSE盛大上演!成功落幕!
来自火神Angra当家吉他手Kiko 的表演为到场观众留下了惊喜,其腼腆温文尔雅的台风,但娴熟的技巧、动人的音乐得到了大家热烈的掌声。
Steve Vai: inspiring
Joe satriani: melody maker
Eric Johnson:tasty touch
Yngwie.j.Malmsteen: great bend and vibrato. Unique
S.R.V: He played with soul
Jimi Hendrix: Guitar Synonym
Marty Friendman: Unique playing
Zakk Wlyde: Wild playing
Kerry King:impressive right hand
Dimebag:Heavy Riff God
Hello Kiko
This is GuitarChina, we would like to thank you for your brilliant concert in China tour and for taking this interview, we have some questions from your fans here.
What impressions you had during your tour in China?
How about Shanghai live that you join the guitar stars party about GuitarChina 10th Anniversary
What are you planing for in 2011?
And What is Angra planing for in 2011?~
You are very distinctive no matter technically or musically, we would like to know how Kiko learns harmonics, or would you give us some suggestions on learning harmonics?
Can you tell us something about the market regulation in music industry in Brazil?
Can you name a few cities that represent typical rock and metal youth culture in Brazil?
How many hours do you spend per day to listen to other people’s music? What kind of music do you listen to? And what can you get from their music?
Will you introduce us some something about your equipments in the band? (Guitar, guitar effects, sound box..etc)
Please give us a list than you are listing CD ablum these days ?
Would you give us a definition in one word of your culture for the following each great guitar player?
Steve Vai: inspiring
Joe satriani: melody maker
Eric Johnson:tasty touch
Yngwie.j.Malmsteen: great bend and vibrato. Unique
S.R.V: He played with soul
Jimi Hendrix: Guitar Synonym
Marty Friendman: Unique playing
Zakk Wlyde: Wild playing
Kerry King:impressive right hand
Dimebag:Heavy Riff God
Could you say something to guitar fans and internet friends in P.R. China?
Finally, thank you very much for your time, and we hope to see you again someday in China!
感谢 Lichtgestalt 翻译~ 还需要您再回翻译成中文哈
感谢广州长城提供KIKO 2010中国行采访安排以及参加GC10周年上海站演出!