造福琴友 市面几乎所有吉他拾音器pick up分析

翻译几个最受欢迎的dimarzio pu吧。

PAF Pro Another one of DiMarzios most popular pickups. Been used by nearly every shredder out there. Not a lot of gain but still upholds a lot of presence.
Pros: Extremely Versatile, Great tone, Great Clarity
Cons: Not the most forgiving of pickups
Hint: It’s a great pickup. Solid for leads. May not have as much gain as some of the more metal guys would like so may be best in the neck paired with something hotter in the bridge.
PAF Pro: DMZ最受欢饮的拾音器。几乎每个速弹的人都用过。失真度一般但是高频很好。

Air Norton: one of DiMarzios most popular pickups. A good vintage sound with a little more kick. Great midrange. Good for almost anything.
Pros: versatile.
Cons: can get muddy.
Hint: Brighter woods suit it better- such as alder.
Air Norton: 最受欢迎的拾音器之一。很经典的音色。中频很好。弹什么都不错。

Fred: Also used by Satriani. It has great harmonics. It has a much more balanced tone than most of Dimarzios pickups. It’s great for shred, metal, hard rock, and even blues.
Pros: vocal tone. Sounds like Joe.
Cons: not too versatile.
Hint: It has very vocal tone. It’s really great for soloing but i would not recommend it if you play a lot of rthym or are in a band with a singer.
Fred: Joe使用的拾音器。泛音特别号。音色比绝大多数dimarzio都平衡。 适合速弹,金属,摇滚甚至蓝调

Tone Zone: Very versatile. It’s often compared to Seymour Duncan’s Jb. Good from harder blues to Metal. Much deeper tone than JB, though.
Pros: Good solo tone, reasonably versatile.
Cons: Prone to muddiness.
Hint: Avoid in darker sounding woods, like mahogany. I would also not suggest one with a dark amp.
Tone Zone: 全面。 通常和SD JB比较。 适合摇滚,金属。 音色比JB跟深沉。

Evolution: Designed for Steve Vai. It has pretty high output and a tone of presence. Every note really jumps out. There is a slight lack of low end when played clean. It’s great for Shred, Metal, and Hard Rock.
Pros: very good for shred. Suprisingly good cleans. Great soloing tone for both bridge and neck pickups.
Cons: Not for beginners.
Hint: Only for experienced players. with the right amp and in the right guitar it will make the tone you want. Effects your tone more than you average pickup swap.
Evolution: 为Vai设计的。高输出,很多高频。每个音符都很清晰。弹清音的时候低频有一点不足。适合速弹,金属,摇滚
提示:只适合有经验的乐手。 要用在正确的音箱,正确的吉他上。 要比一般拾音器更花功夫。

Breed: Also designed for Vai. Basically a Evo and PAF pro mixed together. It has awesome harmonics and output with a more vintage tone.
Pros: much more versatile than Evos.
Cons: perhaps not hot enough for the crazy metal stuff. Not as good with dark amplifiers.
Hint: don’t get for the super high gain (modern metal) but definitely hot enough for less gainy metal. Do not use with a dark amp. Better in brighter tonewoods.

