隆重呈现 In Flames 燃烧烈焰超值双DVD双CD套装介绍

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绝佳现场50 In Flames (燃烧烈焰) / Used & Abused In Live We Trust (生灵涂炭)
产品编号:NB 6661-0 条形码:727361666101



(Arch Enemy、Opeth)
(Children Of Bodom)
(Dark Tranquillity)
Style : Melodic Death Metal

在九十年代摇滚乐界最重要的盛事,莫过于旋律死亡金属 (Melodic Death Metal) 的创立与堀起,而幕后重要推手之一便是 In Flames,旋律死金歌德堡四大天王之一的 In Flames,来自北欧瑞典歌德堡,带动了整个金属界的瑞典金属新浪潮 (New Wave Of Swedish Death Metal),早期的重要专辑如 “The Jester Race”,架构出旋律死金的新里程碑。旋律死亡金属多半来自北欧斯堪的那维亚一带,特别是瑞典和芬兰。旋律死亡金属是一种死亡金属音乐的产物,此类音乐 含有大量的吉他旋律演奏,和双吉他的组合型态,并以键盘来突显音乐的旋律节奏感和编曲的丰富性。

In Flames 的双吉他演奏剽悍而且流畅,厚重却不失旋律性的精致编曲,加上不同于美式死亡金属的狂嘶暴吼,清晰的双吉他solo演奏,加入多样化的金属风格式键盘演 奏,其专辑中加入钗h空心吉他的旋律,也成为其特色之一。团员包括主唱 Anders Fridén、吉他手 Jesper Strömblad、Björn Gelotte、贝斯手 Peter Iwers 及鼓手 Daniel Svensson。乐团于1994年发行了首张处女作 “Lunar Strain” 震撼金属乐坛。来年发表第二张作品 “The Jester Race”,之后成市e往日本巡回演唱,而此经典专辑更夺得日本金属杂志 BURRN 连续数月进口榜 CD 冠军,如此的成绩对于当时还是个新进团体的 In Flames 而言并不容易。1997年发表第三张专辑 “Whoracle” 继续 获得好评。1999年发表第四张专辑 “Colony” 曲式依旧残暴犀利。2000年发表第五张大碟 “Clayman” 风格仍然强劲有力。 接下来2001年所发表的第六张大碟则为东京演唱会的实况专辑 “The Tokyo Showdown”,展现出精湛的现场奶O。直到2002年发表第七张佳作 “Reroute To Remain”,In Flames 终于如愿以偿打入美国市场,并获得 Billboard 排行榜独立唱片区 (Top Independent Albums) 第13名的名次,成绩不斐。2004年发表第八张专辑 “Soundtrack To Your Escape” 为 In Flames 出道以来旋律及音色最多变,音乐内容且最黑暗和厚重的录音室作品。本作品 “Used And Abused…In Live We Trust”,为2005年发表的2DVD加上2CD限量专辑,包括在英国伦敦的巡回演出重现历年经典精选歌曲以及收录4首精彩的 MV。2006年初发表第九张专辑 “Come Clarity”,特别附赠 Studio Live DVD。2008年最新专辑 “A Sense Of Purpose”,缜密的编曲更令人振奋强烈的节奏元素外,亦重视吉他编曲的旋律性。

In Flames 和 Arch Enemy、Soilwork、Dark Tranquillity、Opeth、Amon Amarth 等来自瑞典的金属雄兵们,成左卤N旋律死金推广到全世界每个角落,征服每一位金属乐迷的心。而全球各地新进乐团争先恐后以旋律死亡金属风格来攻城略地,更 证明 In Flames 的影响力的确惊人,绝对够资格成为一代金属宗师!2010年1月29日 In Flames 将来到台湾宝岛开唱,让我们期待燃烧烈焰的造访!

文 华哥
By Dokken Chiu

Tracklist :
Live at Sticky Fingers – Sept. 7, 2004 (90 minutes)
1. F(r)iend
2. The Quiet Place
3. Dead Alone
4. Touch of Red
5. Like You Better Dead
6. My Sweet Shadow
7. Evil in a Closet
8. In Search for I
9. Borders and Shading
10. Superhero of the Computer Rage
11. Dial 595–Escape
12. Bottled
13. Behind Space
14. Artifacts of the Black Rain
15. Moonshield
16. Food for the Gods
17. Jotun
18. Embody the Invisible
19. Colony
20. Pinball Map
21. Only for the Weak
22. Trigger
23. Cloud Connected

Live at Hammersmith, London – Dec. 27, 2004 (40 minutes)
1. Pinball Map
2. System
3. Behind Space
4. Cloud Connected
5. In Search for I
6. The Quiet Place
7. Trigger
8. Touch of Red
9. My Sweet Shadow

Soundtrack Tour 2004 – Live
1. Only For The Weak
2. Clayman

Hidden Bonus Video
Episode 666″ (Whoracle) Live at Sticky Fingers: To see this Video You Need to Skip to the Next Chapter While Watching “Clayman” from “Soundtrack Tour 2004”. Alternately, Jump to Title 4, Chapter 1

Live in Madrid
1. System

Live in Australia/Japan
1. Dial 595 – Escape

Soundcheck in London
1. Dial 595 – Escape

Soundcheck in London
1. Touch of Red

Promotional Videos
1. F(r)iend
2. My Sweet Shadow
3. Touch of Red
4. The Quiet Place

Jester TV – Universal Access (50 minutes)
1. About IN FLAMES
2. Interviews with band members
3. About the Metallica show in Madrid
4. Behind the “The Quiet Place” video shoot
5. Behind the “Touch of Red” video shoot
6. Other videos: “F(r)iend”, “Evil In A Closet”
7. About the start of the “Soundtrack” tour 2004
8. Summer festival
9. Like You Better Dead at Metaltown
10. About the Japanese Tour
11. About the Australian Tour
12. L.A. – Roxy
13. About the Hammersmith concert
14. About the Judas Priest Tour
15. 666 at Scandinavium
16. Backstage tour
17. About the Sticky Fingers concert

Hidden Bonus Video
Borders And Shading : To see this Video You Need to Skip to the Next Chapter While Watching “Dial 595 – Escape” from “Videos: Live in Australia/Japan”. Alternately, Jump to Title 8, Chapter 1

Unused Footage
During the Hammersmith Performance In Flames Also Performed: “Clayman,” “Only For The Weak,” and “Episode 666” Which are not Included on the DVD

CD 1 – Live at Hammersmith, London
1. Pinball Map
2. System
3. Behind Space
4. Cloud Connected
5. In Search for I
6. The Quiet Place
7. Trigger
8. Touch of Red
9. My Sweet Shadow

CD 2 – Live at Sticky Fingers
1. F(r)iend
2. Dead Alone
3. Like You Better Dead
4. Evil in a Closet
5. Borders and Shading
6. Superhero of the Computer Rage
7. Dial 595–Escape
8. Bottled
9. Artifacts of the Black Rain
10. Moonshield
11. Food for the Gods
12. Jotun
13. Colony
14. Only for the Weak


时间:2010年1月27日晚:19:30  地点:北京星光现场
Time 19:30  Date: Jan.27th 2010 Venue: STAR LIVE HOUSE

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