梦剧院最新Official Bootleg(官方私卖)四弹连发!

在新专辑<Black Clouds & Silver Linings>发行满一个月后,DT新一波圈钱攻势再度来袭。

       7月24日,MP在自己的私人厂牌Ytsejam Records发行了DT新的Official Bootleg(官方私卖)唱片,一共四张,按照惯例,仍是录音室系列、小样系列、翻唱系列和现场系列各发行一张。具体内容如下:

第一弹:The Making of Falling Into Infinity (1 CD)


       录音室系列。内容是DT在录制<Falling Into Infinity>专辑过程中的录音素材集锦,其中包含了一些十分珍贵的基础音轨、排练与录音片断。其实这张碟曾在1997年以Fanclub CD的形式发行,而且成了DT的Fanclub碟中十分罕见和昂贵的一张。这次以Official Bootleg的形式重新发表,相信对难以买到Fanclub CD版的DTfans们来说是一个绝好的消息。


New Millennium
1. Basic Tracks
2. Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Stick and 7-string Guitar overdubs

You Not Me
3. Basic Tracks
4. Strings, Piano, Vocals and Key overdubs

Peruvian Skies
5. Basic Tracks
6. Rhodes, Mellotron, Acoustic Guitar and Vocals overdubs

Hollow Years
7. Basic Tracks
8. Acoustic, Edge and Classical Guitar and Vocals overdubs

Burning My Soul
9. Basic Tracks
10. Guitar, Key, Vocals, Talk box and Whisper overdubs

Hell’s Kitchen
11. Writing The Finale

Lines In the Sand
12. Intro, Key, Piano, and String overdubs
13. Bass, Guitar, Synth, and Vocal overdubs
14. Doug Pinnick Vocals

Take Away My Pain
15. Alternate take
16. Basic Tracks
17. Space Guitar, Hawaiin Keys, Heavy Keys, and Vocal overdubs

Just Let Me Breathe
18. Basic Tracks
19. Feedback and Rhythm Guitars, Lead Guitar and Keys, Vocal overdubs

Anna Lee
20. Derek Noodling At The Piano
21. Basic Tracks
22. Mellotron, Acoustic and Leslie Guitars, Slide Guitar overdubs

Trial Of Tears
23. Basic Tracks
24. Lead Guitar, Bass, Acoustic Guitar and Piano overdubs
25. The End (?)


第二弹:Train Of Thought Instrumental Demos 2003 (1 CD)


       小样系列。内容是2003年发行的<Train Of Thought>专辑的器乐演奏小样。其中,曲目顺序是按照歌曲写作先后顺序来排的。


1. In The Name Of God 12:42
2. As I Am 7:06
3. Honor Thy Father 9:59
4. Endless Sacrifice 11:17
5. This Dying Soul 11:38
6. Vacant 2:47
7. Stream Of Consciousness 11:41


第三弹:Uncovered 2003-2005 (1 CD)


       翻唱系列。内容是2003-2005年间DT在现场演出中的翻唱歌曲拾遗。其中翻唱的对象即包括Yes、Kansas、The Who等前卫/艺术摇滚大师,也包括Led Zepplin、Black Sabbath、Queen等重金属先驱。


1. Death On Two Legs (Queen) 3:49
2. Heart Of The Sunrise (Yes) 10:29
3. Heaven And Hell (Black Sabbath) 6:19
4. Paradox (Kansas) 3:43
5. Mother Father (Journey) 5:32
6. Machine Messiah (Yes) 3:19
7. Since I’ve Been Loving You (Led Zepplin) 6:49
8. Diary Of A Madman (Ozzy Osbourne) 5:59
9. Cemetary Gates (Pantera) 8:19
10. Won’t Get Fooled Again (The Who) 10:06


第四弹:Santiago, Chile 12/6/05 (1 DVD)


       现场系列,DVD格式。内容是DT的20周年巡演时,于2005年12月6日在智利圣地亚哥站的完整演出实况。和<Score>的纽约站相比,我更加喜欢这场演出的曲目。DT的Official Bootleg DVD经常比他们正式发行的DVD更加具有诱惑力。


Set 1:
The Root of All Evil
Panic Attack
A Fortune in Lies
Under a Glass Moon
Caught In a Web
Peruvian Skies
Strange Deja Vu
Through My Words
Fatal Tragedy
Solitary Shell
About To Crash (Reprise)
Losing Time/Grand Finale

Set 2:
As I Am
Endless Sacrifice
I Walk Beside You
Sacrificed Sons

The Spirit Carries On
Pull Me Under/Metropolis


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