大敌(Arch Enemy)官网日本韩国和中国台湾巡演摘要

Michael Amott and Angela Gossow report…



in japan
Angela Gossow: “We are back from the ‘Tyrants Of The Rising Sun’ Asia tour – and it was a fantastic experience! Kawasaki, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka in Japan, then on to Taipei, Taiwan – where we played for the first time ever.. And then on to beautiful and vibrant Seoul, where we haven’t played before either. What a trip!”

It was a busy schedule in Japan. We didn’t have many days off on this tour, the only Yen I spent were on foot detox patches, ha-ha… These things rock btw.
I love Japan. Refined, elegant and so wonderfully organized. Not one single bad surprise, everything on time and according to schedule. Many thanx to Creative Man and Layli, who did a superb job as usual and Tetsu & Aya from our label Toys Factory! I would move to Tokyo any day if I could…
Ah, and I spotted Celine Dion on the Shinkansen train from Tokyo to Osaka. She had a whole entourage and film crew with her… I wonder how she liked to travel with the common people… ha-ha”


Michael Amott: “As you some of you might know, we filmed and recorded the Tokyo show at ‘Shinkiba Studio Coast’ on March 8th. We are planning to edit and mix this material this year and release as a DVD… We were of course a little worried if everything would work on the night with the audio and video recording, but it worked perfectly!”.

“There was really no need to worry, we had a great team of people working on the shooting of the concert Mr. Uehara and the Fuji Pacific team did an excellent job of capturing the extreme metal action on stage!
We brought our good friend Paul Smith from London, UK (he edited our ‘Live Apocalypse’ DVD) to Japan to direct the DVD and also film stuff backstage, on the road footage etc. He also filmed interviews with all band members on various locations in Japan. Comparing it to our ‘Live Apocalypse’ DVD, which featured material from all over the world (and concert footage from the UK) this new DVD will be totally focused on ARCH ENEMY in Japan 2008. I am excited to start working on it! I am not sure when we will eventually release this DVD – but I am hoping that it will be in a not too distant future!”

“We also filmed me visiting the ESP guitars custom shop factory in Tokyo (Thanks Makoto Suzuki!) and the BIG BOSS shop and ESP schools in Nagoya (thank you Mr. Nagaya and staff!)”

Michael and a white Ninja V at the ESP custom shop in Tokyo!
Photo credit: PaulSmithMusic.com

“Of course it was also very special to receive the BURRN! trophies in Japan, we brought the trophies on stage in Tokyo to show our gratitude and took some pictures – a very emotional experience to be so appreciated by the readers of the worlds heaviest heavy metal magazine – BURRN!”

*Best Group (Arch Enemy)
*Best Guitarist (Michael Amott)
*Best Drummer (Daniel Erlandsson)
*Best Album (Rise Of The Tyrant)
*Best Songwriter (Michael Amott)




Scans from Burrn! #4 April 208 (c) 2008 by Burrn! Corporation


Michael Amott: “After the Japanese tour we flew to Taipei, Taiwan and played a concert – our first time in Taiwan and we found out that it has a healthy metal scene! We had a great time and our promoter Mr. Space was a very generous host and it was a nice experience. A few of us In the ARCH ENEMY camp went up the 101 tower – currently the tallest building in the world…it was almost like walking on the clouds up there! The Taipei show was intense and fun”

Angela Gossow: “The Taipei crowd was insane! I believe we played our best show of the whole tour that night – a packed, sweaty place, people right in your face (I know barriers are important for security, but they def take away some of the feel and vibe..) and just this pure metal straight in your face delivery.. I wish all shows would feel this good! That night everybody went home with that huge, childish smile on their faces – band and fans alike”

in Koera