对话/中国粉丝与Orange音箱设计总监Adrian Emsley

对话/中国粉丝与Orange音箱设计总监Adrian Emsley

“好的产品离不开设计”。即使是拥有半个世纪历史积淀的Orange音箱也亦是如此。为了能够让大家更深刻的了解Orange音箱设计的一些理念与初衷,我们搜集了中国地区的一些粉丝用户们对Orange音箱的一些代表性问题,并邀请Orange音箱设计总监Adrian Emsley亲自为大家解答。

1. 为什么会有设计Terror stamp的想法呢?

Adrian Emsley:I wanted to on the Micro Dark and put it in a pedal format.
其实就是想在Micro Dark的基础上玩点新花样,于是想到做成了单块效果器的样子(实际具有箱头功能)

2. Orange和哪位艺人合作的是比较难忘呢?

Adrian Emsley:Jimmy Page picked the AD30 out of a whole bunch of amps that were in a hire company showroom.He then went on tour with the Black Crowes.
Jimmy Page。当他从设备租赁商那一屋子音箱中选出AD30时。随后他还带着AD30在他的Black Crowes巡演中使用。

3. 除了现有的黑白橙颜色,Orange有兴趣发展其他颜色的音箱吗?

Adrian Emsley:Not really because our name is an actual colour so it would be a little confusing to add Red, Blue, Yellow, etc.

4. 未来会发展更多的pedal amp? 会带有FX效果及IR吗?

Adrian Emsley:Possibly, if I can find a way of getting an IR to sound believable.

5. 未来会发展Modeling 音箱吗?

Adrian Emsley:There are too many other brands doing that so we like to do things our own way instead of copying them.

6. 由于这次疫情的全球性影响,Orange是否会觉得在未来,音箱市场会因为疫情有一些很大的改变?

Adrian Emsley:At the moment, we are finding that products like the Terror Stamp and the Bass Butler are still selling well from online stores worldwide so we got lucky, in that we launched a couple of products that are great when used at home.
幸运的是,目前我们的一些产品在全球线上市场卖得还不错,比如新品Terror Stamp、 Bass Butler等等,我们推出的这些家用的产品更适合目前市场。

7. Orange是否考虑继续研发OMEC的下一代产品?

Adrian Emsley:There possibly will be more OMEC products in the future.

8. 对于民用级产品,“O headphone

Adrian Emsley:There are some other consumer products in the pipeline, just going through some final tweaks.

9. Orange是否在继续寻找如Jim root,Brent Hinds等具有全球影响力的艺术家,继续合作推出签名款系列产品?

Adrian Emsley:Yes indeed. We are currently working with Glen Hughes on a signature model of the O Bass, and also Marcus King on a signature tube amp head.
有的。目前正在合作的是Glen Hughes签名款O Bass,还有Marcus King的签名款电子管音箱。

10. 会不会带Jim Root/Jimmy Page来中国?

Adrian Emsley:Possibly, in the future.