
楚门吉他代言人人物专访篇(二):阿里·丹尼斯·卡德伦Ali DenizKardelen


TRUMON楚门吉他代言人-Ali DenizKardelen

阿里·丹尼斯·卡德伦(Ali DenizKardelen)来自土耳其伊斯坦布尔,2018楚门吉他代言人,是2016年印第安纳州指弹吉他冠军,是国际2016加拿大Fingerstyle吉他比赛的第二名。 他以他的原声竖琴吉他演奏而闻名。他经常被称为土耳其指弹吉他之父
Ali Deniz Kardelen resides in Istanbul, Turkey and isthe 2016 Indiana State Fingerstyle Guitar Champion and the 2nd place winner ofthe international 2016 Canadian Fingerstyle Guitar competition. He is widelyknown for his acoustic fingerstyle playing as well as his original compositionson harp guitar. He is often referred to as the father of fingerstyle guitar inTurkey.…………………………………………

阿里·丹尼斯·卡德伦(Ali)谈对 TRUMON楚门吉他印象
