美国EHX手工效果器East River Drive—经典破音效果器

Electro Harmonix East River Drive 经典破音效果器,不单单可以让乐手在clean tone的时候增加更丰富的颗粒以及声音表现,也可以把真空管音箱做更加扭曲的破音丰富化。

East River Drive 带领你体验 EHX 特有的效果享受, 它的效果不会改变声音的tone, 只是彷彿给了他一剂类固醇特效药一样的强化功能! 亲民的价位也让乐手们可以无负担入手EHX NANO EAST RIVER DRIVE。




Electro-Harmonix creates classic overdrive in a JRC4558 IC based pedal that’s as bold as New York City. Symmetrical overdrive adds edge and gain without compromising tone. Volume and Drive take it from sweet to searing while Tone lets you dial in just the right amount of bite to cut through the mix.

No matter how hard you drive it, you’re always in control. True bypass and tone that is absolutely unflinching at a musician-friendly price!