
当代全球最受赞誉吉他手之一、爵士吉他炼金师Kurt Rosenwinkel再度来华!

One of the most widely applauded guitarists of the under-50 generation!
The Jazz Guitar Alchemist! The Kurt Rosenwinkel Trio China Tour 2016!


上海 Shanghai ——2016.6.20 & 2016.6.21  21:30-late
广州 Guangzhou——2016.6.24 21:30-late
票价Price:180 RMB(预售 Presale) / 260 RMB (现场 Door)


关于Kurt Rosenwinkel Trio 2016 中国巡演  About Kurt Rosenwinkel Trio China Tour

在爵士界中,有些艺术家传承着先辈们界定的音乐,而另一些则是开拓者。 作为吉他手,创作家和教育家的Kurt Rosenwinkel无疑居于后者的行列。 他是当代全球最受赞誉吉他手之一,他是爵士吉他炼金师,他是众多吉他手与爱好者们的偶像! 在去年来华后,Kurt Rosenwinkel将再度来到中国, JZ Music呈现“2016爵士吉他炼金师Kurt Rosenwinkel三重奏中国上海、广州双城巡演”,只希望带给你更为震撼的音乐感受!

这次Kurt Rosenwinkel带来了新朋友——优秀的贝斯手Dario Deidda和鼓手Joost Patocka。Dario Deidda是来自意大利罗马的贝斯手,他十一岁时便开始练习贝斯。之后更是在钢琴演奏方面也取得了不错的成绩。2010年9月和2011年1月他两度被意大利专业音乐杂志In Sound授予“最好的意大利贝斯手“称号。Joost Patocka是荷兰地区难得一见的能够同时玩转经典和前卫音乐的鼓手。他从小学习古典音乐,因而长期的练习铸就了扎实的演奏功力。而之后他更是成功转型,如今已经成为了荷兰地区最负盛名的爵士鼓手之一。

Another jazz guitar master is returning to China in June! He is the Jazz Guitar Alchemist! He is Kurt Rosenwinkel, who will bring his trio concert to China this time along with Bass artist Dario Deidda and Drums artist Joost Patocka ! Dario Deidda is from Rome,Italy. He started practice Bass at Eleven. He is also a brilliant piano player. On September of 2010 and Janauary of 2011, he was named as the best Italian bass artist by the Italian music magazine In Sound. Drummer Joost Patocka is one of few musicians able to focus on both the past and the future. He worked on a classical idiom with drummers. In doing so, he developed a way of playing as solid as it is adventurous, helping him become what he is now: one of the most sought-after jazz drummers of the Netherlands.

更多关于Kurt Rosenwinkel  More About Kurt Rosenwinkel

Kurt Rosenwinkel 已在乐坛活跃了25年,与他合作过的大师包括当代的Brad Mehldau, Brian Blade, Mark Turner, Joshua Redman, Chris Potter 以及爵士乐的前辈Joe Henderson, Paul Motian 和Gary Burton。扎根于传统,又从中大胆地演化出前所未有的独创演奏风格,Kurt Rosenwinkel在爵士乐坛已留下了永恒的印记。 

Kurt Rosenwinkel于1970年10月28日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的一个音乐世家。母亲是古典钢琴家,父亲是一个杰出的即兴演奏家。他从小就热爱演唱,九岁时创作并表演了第一首歌曲。12岁那年,Kurt Rosenwinkel拥有了第一把吉他,也正从那时起,他对爵士乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,并在当时最重要的演奏家,包括知名爵士鼓手Tony Williams面前展现他的技巧。“当我坐在他们中间,第一次体验到,整个屋子都站满了人,而在那里摇摆着,演奏你的音乐,这种感觉征服了我。”

进入波士顿伯克利音乐学院修习两年后Rosenwinkel已在爵士界享有美誉,他开始与元老级的爵士大师Gary Burton 和 Paul Motian一同巡游演出。可以说,作为Motian 电子比波普乐队的一员对于他的影响是巨大的,他不仅从一个伴奏者一路成为了乐队的中枢,更在那期间将从费城乐手,如Thelonious Monk, Coleman Hawkins和那里传承下来的演奏传统吸收进了自己的音乐。 

1996年,Rosenwinkel作为主乐手发行了第一张专辑,East Coast Love Affair,1999 第二张专辑Intuit问世。这两张独立推出的专辑充分展现了他对比波普风格的极致驾驭能力。随后一年,Rosenwinkel与键盘手Scott Kinsley合作推出原创专辑Enemies of Energy,并在同一年在Brian Blade’s Fellowship乐队鼓手的Perceptual专辑中出场。 

然而,高产的Rosenwinkel仍和众多爵士乐手一样经历过一段挣扎的时期。他感到自己的情感正在与音乐本身疏离,他的演奏不再能成为其表达的载体。也正是这样的迷茫造就了Rosenwinkel惊世骇俗的转型与突破。为了摆脱限制,他索性抛弃了一切音乐理论上的认知,旋动吉他调弦钮,彻底突破了演奏在调性上的墨守成规! 与此同时,在随后的专辑中,Rosenwinkel加入了自己的声音的元素。他口腔的震动,沁入他的爵士乐超脱般的自由。 

2012年,Rosenwinkel带领新成立的四重奏乐队发行他的第十张专辑Star of Jupiter.在传统与现代的平衡中,他向听众传递着来自宇宙最纯净,最本真的动力与激情。

Lauded as “one of the most widely applauded guitarists of the under-50 generation” by the Chicago Tribune, Kurt Rosenwinkel has staked out a singular position in jazz’s firmament as a player, composer and band leader with a vast and supremely sophisticated harmonic vision and ravishing melodic sensibility. Barely 20 years old when he dropped out of Berklee College of Music to tour with vibraphonist Gary Burton’s band, he confidently took over a chair known as a launching pad for some of jazz’s most influential guitarists, including Larry Coryell, Mick Goodrick and Pat Metheny. He gained further recognition performing and recording with drum legend Paul Motian’s volatile Electric Bebop Band. Since his 2000 major label debut The Enemies of Energy (Verve), Rosenwinkel has worked closely with a bevy of brilliant saxophonists such as Mark Turner, Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, Joshua Redman, and most recently tenor patriarch Pharoah Sanders. Lately he’s been composing shimmering melodies for his New Quartet with keyboardist Aaron Parks, music featured on 2012’s bracingly beautiful Star of Jupiter (Wommusic). He’s also started adding solo recitals to his performance repertoire, and this concert marks his Bay Area debut in the demanding, wide-open format.

“Rosenwinkel has come to be just as identifiable as Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell or any of the modern-school guitarists with whom he’susually compared ” — Jazz Times

“His knack for appealing to connoisseurs as well asthe uninitiated has made him one of the most widely applauded guitarists of the under-50 generation ” — Chicago Tribune