被低估的大师—Wayne Krantz 3月21日深圳专场

3/21 @A8Live , Wayne Krantz Trio,一代传奇—-大师的世界,你(懂)不懂!?

To The Ones Who Don’t Know Him/

给那些不认识Wayne Krantz的人
不! 明!觉!历!

“If you’re not familiar with Wayne Krantz, his style is basically a fusion of jazz and rock, but I would not just simply call it “fusion”. As a guitarist, Wayne blends blues, rock, and sophisticated jazz harmony and melodic lines to create a totally unique sound. ”

“如果你还不熟悉Wayne Krantz, 他的风格基本上是摇滚和爵士的融合,但我绝不会简单的称他为fusion.作为一个吉他大师,Wayne融合了布鲁斯,摇滚和相当精妙的爵士和声,以及流畅的旋律线条,创造出了完全独特的声音。”



曾为北京某著名乐队的吉他手P先生:“Wayne Krantz 给很多爵士乐的大师弹吉他与录音。还有也给美国Grammy得奖乐队Steely Dan 弹过吉他。后面自己更倾向于做TRIO组合,玩自己想玩的东西,听着很爽!我非常喜欢他!”

现新加坡某爵士乐队键盘手T先生:  “I like Wayne’s tone and concept.And mostly his time.”


To The Ones Who Know Him!

啥也别说了,大师首度“临幸”深圳!千载难逢!也不需俺再多说了!大师1956年出生…好怕的过两年就退休了!(想啥呢你们…hahahahaha…. 🙂

3/21 @A8Live:
Wayne Krantz Trio:Wayne Krantz/Anthony Jackson/Cliff Almond

附:Wayne Krantz is an American modern jazz guitarist/composer praised for his utilization of complex rhythmic and harmonic concepts.[1] He has performed and recorded with artists such as Steely Dan, Michael Brecker, Billy Cobham,Chris Potter and David Binney, but since the early 90s has focused primarily on his solo career, mostly as the leader of a trio.[2][3]