美国手工吉他 ST.PAUL 圣保罗 品牌历史介绍

Introduction of St.paul Company
世界著名乐器公司st.paul(圣保罗)是深受欧美吉他爱好者的著名吉他品牌―― st.paul(圣保罗)也是国际上著名吉他品牌之一。一度被评为欧美地区的贵族吉他品牌!多年来,st.paul(圣保罗)吉他以其独特的外观和强有力的低音 纯正的音色而闻名世界,在20世纪末它给我们的吉他世界带来了众多的惊喜与变化。
As the world famous musical instruments company, St.paul is also one of the most popular guitar brand in Europe and America. It has been recognized as the noble guitar brand in European and American area. For years, the St.paul guitar was known for its unique design, pure bass and tone. During the 20 centuries, it bring us abundant surprise and change in guitar world.

st.paul(圣保罗)的声音可以称得上是绝对的“经典”。而且使用过它的吉他艺术家也是不胜枚举。你所能想到的著名吉他手都非常喜欢圣保罗的音色,圣保罗和他们共用经历过20世纪末,可以说st.paul(圣保罗)吉他见证了重金属音乐和原声民谣音乐的发展历程。无论是Winger乐队的Reb Beach、Bon Jovi乐队的Richie Sambora还是Eddie Van Halen,他们都是早期ST.PAUL的使用者。他的民谣吉他以独特的音色也深受指弹爱好者的喜爱!~
St.paul guitar has an absolutely classic sound, and there are numerous famous guitar players who love its perfect tone. They went through the end of the 20 centuries, experienced the development of heavy metal music and acoustic music together. Whether Reb Beach from Winger brand, Richie Sambora from Bon Jovi brand or Eddie Van Halen, they were all St.paul guitar’s early followers. So many finger style player also like its beautiful tone.

St.paul has begun to make guitars since 1958, and built the production line of high quality music instruments, developed the whole series guitar models. Then, the guitars have won much confidence and support of guitar enthusiasts. In 1976, St.paul guitars exported to the United Kingdom, France, Holland, Spain, and Canada etc. more than 20 countries. The superexcellent quality of guitar come from St.paul’s traditional and innovative making skills. There are also a World class services at the back of the qualities. Both of them create the best reputation of St.paul in the world.

The development history of St.paul

st.paul(圣保罗)的乐器制造工艺始于一个世纪前,一百多年来,st.paul(圣保罗)不仅继承\奠定了制造优质乐器所应具备的传统技术和国际上最先进的手工制作生产工艺,而且还通过不断的探索研究,在传统技术上开拓了新的领域.为了迎合流行音乐的发展。 st.paul(圣保罗)的设计风格逐步趋向于适应流行音乐化的趋势。 st.paul(圣保罗)每一乐器个部件都由st.paul(圣保罗)独立设计,也只有st.paul(圣保罗)有专职工匠师扪才能将他们完美组合.在传统的制作过程乐器中,我们巧妙地融入了现代工艺技术. St.paul(圣保罗)乐器内部精密的组合技术体现了st.paul(圣保罗)长年经验积累的艺术及技术结晶.使每一个st.paul乐器都被赋予了非凡的生命.
The St.paul music instruments making technology dated from a century before. For 100 years, St.paul not only inherited traditional and world class hand-made guitar skills, but also innovate and create a new field catering to the development of pop music. An important point is that the design and styles of St.paul guitar gradually tend to pop music. Every component of St.paul guitars is designed by own, and only the professional St.paul makers can assemble the parts perfectly. Modern technology is masterly used in traditional handmade process. These reflect a big achievement of long time making experience and skills. Then every musical instrument by St.paul has been given an uncommon art life.

The international prestige of St.paul

随着公司的发展,st.paul(圣保罗)公司凭借其一直秉承的前沿技术和精湛的工艺,在国际乐器界广受好评。产品服务领域也随着公司日益发展逐渐走向国际化 。 如今,st.paul(圣保罗)在乐器领域一直处于领先地位。然而,正如圣保罗的音乐起源一样,无论经过多少年的时光,无论在哪个国家,圣保罗始终追求精湛的手工制作,完美的声音体现。和强大的销售网络,来对每一个喜欢它的人负责。正是这些形成了st.paul(圣保罗)的世界。
While the company’s speedy development, St.paul won a certain good reputation for the advanced technology and exquisite handicraft. At the same time, the products have also explored internationally. Now, the St.paul musical instruments are always leading position. As the music origin of St.paul, no matter how many years passed, no matter in any countries, St.paul guitars are always pursuing the edge, and perfectly drawing the most beautiful musical notes. Depending on the powered sale net, St.paul is responsible for all the followers and supporters, which built the St. Paul’s guitar world.
