记者:……But you are doing something you’ve never done before — you are going to China!
记者:I love John Stewart’s comment about …… the air is very chewable in China.
我喜欢John Stewart的评论,他说在中国空气都可以嚼了。
JH: Right
记者:So it is gotta be…I would asume that you’ve done movies in the past and working on one now, it gotta be some thought of filming, some of the new adventures coz… I mean, you know, who knows, what you gonna find in China.
这可真是。。。我猜啊, 你们过去拍过巡演的电影,现在也正在制作一部。这次旅行一定会给你们带来一些电影的构想,一些新的探险,因为…我的意思是,谁知道这次你们会在中国发现点什么?
JH: Excactly, we’ve heard lots of stories, hehehe ….From , yeah, you getting … pollution poisoning to little kids crapping in the streets, you know, we’ll see what it is really about… it is cool to hear stories about what, with all due respect, when you get there you will really see. You know, hopefully at the end of the day, their people they like music. Music has zero borders. Art and music are never wrong, and they have no borders. So that is why we do this, and that is why we want to go to the place like China. You know, political views aside, and ,and , religious views aside, music at the end of the day is what we want to be connecting people with, (记者:Right!), those things…religion and politics seem to fragment people, and that is not what we are worry about. So, seeing fans in a new country for the first time is always amazing. You know, we just , we’ve just.. we’ve just in Dubai, you know, seen fans from Iran, seen fans from Syria, seen fans from Lebannon, and it’s probably the most collected gathering of fans, and yet, they were all together out there, you know they had their own flags, but they were in arms, but had a good time.
正是这样, 我们听到挺多故事,呵呵,从空气污染的毒害到小朋友在大街上拉屎,你知道,我们会去看看到底是怎么样的。听听故事虽然很来劲,但恕我直言,你只有亲自到了那里才能看到真实情况。你知道,最要紧的,我们希望他们的人民喜欢音乐。音乐是零国界的。艺术与音乐从来不会犯错,而且他们是没有界限的。我们因此而从事这项事业,也因此愿意去中国这个地方。你知道,政治观点先撇开,还,还有宗教观点也撇开,音乐最终是我们想要联系人们的纽带。(记者:对!)那些事情。。。宗教和政治,都似乎让人分离,而这并不是我们所关心的。所以,到一个新的国度与粉丝们见面永远是美妙的。你知道,我们刚去过迪拜,见过来自伊朗的粉丝,见过来自叙利亚的粉丝,也见过来自黎巴嫩的粉丝, 那可能是最大规模的粉丝聚会,不过,他们都聚集在了一起,还有自己的旗帜,虽然都全副武装,但还是很开心。
记者:Yeah, something people don’t think about very often, but regardless of the languages, all smiles are the same, and laughter sounds the same in every language.
是啊, 人们也许不会经常想到, 但不管语言有多么不同,所有人的微笑都是一样的,而且笑声在每一种语言中也都是一样的。
JH: Very true.
记者: You know, and music relates to all the languages.
你知道, 而音乐联系着所有的语言。
JH: Yes, yep.
记者: Very cool. Good to see you, brother.
JH: And thank you.
记者: Yep, you got it.