代表FractalAudio最高水准的箱体采样应用精选Cab Pack系列现已发布第二辑,并在Fractal Audio e-store上架。
这个被称为Mad OakStudio的Pruducer Pack包含超过175个为Axe-Fx II、Ultra和Standard准备的箱体采样文件,使用Fractal-Bot智能软件即可轻松升级到你的Axe-Fx II,或任何MIDI SysEx 文件播放器来导入你的Ultra/Standard。
•4x12Cali Lead 80s (“Cliff’s Boogie”)
•4x12Rumble “Thiele” Cab (with EV12S and EV12L in an X pattern, bothcaptured)
•4x12Late 60s Basketweave 1960-AX
•4x12Early 70s Basketweave 1960-TV
•3x10Vibrato King
•1x12Junior Blues
•1x8Champlifier Blackface
•1x8Vibrato Champlifier
•2×12 ProVerb
•1x15Empire Ported Pine Cab
•2×12 ’64Class-A TB 30W (Jensen Silvers)
•1x12Hawaii “28” (3 individual mics only)
•1×10 ProJr.
•1x10Prince Tone Verb
•1x12Class-A 20W Dlx
•1x12Nuclear Tone (+7 Mics on the REAR of the amp)
•1x12Scumtone 65W (Detuned Tone Tools Cab)
•2×12 SVLegend (aka “Cali Leggy”)
•4x12Brit 800
•4×12 G12 65W (’70s British 4×12)