指弹演奏家 Thomas Leeb 托马斯利珀小型演奏会

Thomas Leeb

Thomas Leeb(出生于奥地利的klagenfurt,1977年10月1日)他是一个来自奥地利的指弹吉他演奏家,现居于美国洛杉矶市。

thomas leeb 成长于奥地利美丽的山村Turracher, Carinthia,是家里的第四个孩子,他的整个家庭以经营一个酒店为生。


在17岁时候,托马斯从高中毕业后,他去了爱尔兰做了4个月的街头艺人并在1997年录制了他的第二张专辑Hope(现已绝版) ,1998年时参加了在德国Osnabrck的原生吉他节。

在1999年在web portal MP3上是出版了他的第三张专辑Riddle之后在加利福尼亚的专业艺术学校学习世界音乐与来自加纳传统音乐。

他老师是打击乐器演奏家 Kobla 与 Alfred Ladzekpo,还有吉他演奏家 Miroslav Tadi,leeb 在2003年毕业并取得了艺术的卓越学士学位并与同年出版了第四张专辑Spark,成为了
一个独立音乐人,他在他的官方网站上贩卖他的cd。 2007出版了专辑 up side down, 2008出版了专辑 Desert Pirate。THOMAS LEEB的音乐会大多在美国,欧洲和亚洲,他曾建立了一个世界级的粉丝团,现任教于美国的洛杉矶的两个专业音乐学校,每个夏天他都会在他奥地利的家乡进行授课,对于吉他演奏家们有着巨大的影响,特别是英国的吉他演奏家,因为他曾经任教于伦敦音乐学校。他现在为在一系列的吉他杂志上开设专栏,比如‘吉他演奏家’和‘原声吉他’杂志,对于年轻吉他演奏家有很大影响,例如Newton Faulkner。

托马斯称呼他的音乐为原生吉他顽童,他的音乐融合了不寻常的打击技术,新奇的想法与他俏皮的人声,他的英国朋友eric roche 称他为‘我在琴弦上的兄弟’,他的音乐主要受了伟大的吉他演奏家micheal heages的影响。

Biography (from last.fm)

Thomas Leeb picked up the guitar for the same reason as every thirteen- year-old boy: he wanted to meet girls. He soon fell in love with the instrument, played his first solo concert at the age of fifteen and released his first acoustic guitar album at seventeen.
Leeb is a frequent performer at concerts and festivals in Asia, the Americas and Europe and has been featured in numerous guitar magazines all over the world.  Every year, he teaches workshops and master classes in universities and colleges and his album “Desert Pirate” was voted one of the essential albums of the last twenty years by Acoustic Guitar Magazine.

His peculiar guitar style owes as much to percussive techniques as traditional fingerstyle guitar. What sets Thomas Leeb apart from some of his contemporaries is his ability to make pyrotechnics serve the music and three years studying West African traditional music give him a sense of timing and groove that is unusual in a guitarist.
All this has earned him a loyal world-wide following and influential fans such as Eric Roche who was his guitar teacher, “for about five minutes and then I heard him play”, Jon Gomm awarded him “ten out of ten Gomms” and Guthrie Govan who thinks that “what Thomas does on an acoustic guitar probably shouldn’t be legal.”


No Alibis (2011)

Thomas’ seventh solo acoustic guitar album contains fifteen tracks which range from the usual self-penned compositions to takes on traditional music, Bach, Heap and Clapton.

Desert Pirate (2007)
Desert Pirate was voted one of the essential guitar albums of the last twenty years by Acoustic Guitar magazine.

Upside Down (2005)
This one was recorded in one and a half days – a new record! I was looking to capture something as close to the joy and passion of a live performance as possible and this is it – most of these were first or second takes with few or no cuts at all!

Some self-penned tunes, Bob Marley, jodelling, a Celtic and a German folk song all mixed in one.

Bonus Track: Sleepless, from my first album ‘Reveller’ from 1995 (which is fortunately out of print, but I do still like that track)

Spark (2004)

Five original solo guitar pieces, one traditional melody from Sweden, another one from Ghana, two traditionals from Macedonia, one classical piece (almost, but not entirely unlike one) and a rock ballad.


Miroslav Tadic (git)
Evan Fraser (Kalimba)
Anthony Douglass (bells)
Josh Cohen (git)
GrapeJuiceMonstervicious (armpit)

Riddle (1999)
Seven original solo guitar pieces (two of which were featured in Guitar Techniques Magazine over the years), an Austrian traditional piece (123,123, yes), and two traditional celtic pieces.


Eric Roche (git)
Gottfried David Gfrerer (slide)
Reviews and Comments

“Guitar Magicia
“Guitar Acrobat”
“Leeb regularly takes his audiences by storm.”
Various Newspapers (Austria)

” Every last fibre of his guitar is wrung dry to produce either rhythm, bass, chords or melody and very inspiring it is, too. Upside Down is indeed an album full of joy and spirit.”
Acoustic Magazine (UK)

Thomas’ technique and compositions have certainly put him into the ‘world’s greatest unknown guitarists’ category […] He has to be seen to be believed.
Guitar Techniques Magazine (UK)

“I was his teacher for about five minutes and then I heard him play.”
Eric Roche (IRL)

He is one of the most original and captivating guitarists we know.
Nammusic (Brasil)

“Moving music – movingly played.”
Parnass (GER)

Thomas showcased all the skills and abilities of the top-flight fingerstylists on the scene today years ago.
Bridge Guitar Reviews (Holland)

Melodic and tasteful Fingerstyle CD’s like this one have unfortunately become rare.
Concerto Magazin (Austria)

More Information available at  http://www.thomasleeb.com

Thomas leeb 北京站(围炉夜话版)

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