国外网站评选的十大Thrash Metal 回归专辑

Thrash Metal回归专辑,转过来大家看看。英文翻译麻烦各位自己百度了。。。

If you ask me, from what I see, the genre of Thrash Metal took a small break, or leave of absence in the 90′s. The bands took different musical directions, the albums that were coming out weren’t exactly quality, that kind of thing. Bands were still around, but doing other stuff. Even what we call the “Big 4″ of Thrash was off. Metallica, (some call them the American Pioneers of Thrash Metal) ventured into the hard rock category after the 80′s. Slayer, with the departure of Dave Lombardo in the early 90′s, became very dragged in their music, and the energy lacked. Megadeth, though they tried to stay, also slowed down, and even ventured out of genre almost with some of their album “Risk”. And Anthrax also became more hard rock than thrash in the 90′s after the departure of Joey. There are more examples, but let’s open our eyes. In recent times…all these bands, and more have in my eyes, came back to Thrash Metal, and ahve given us some terrific gems. If you’re a Metal-head and say new music sucks, then I highly suggest you look at these Top Ten Thrash Metal Comebacks.

10. Ironbound – Overkill

Overkill has not ceased to impress many Thrash Metal fans as of late, but when Ironbound was released in 2010, let’s just say the numbers gave the fans even more reasons to celebrate. One of the sad factors of Metal today is that it’s not recognized by too many people, as too many people like the mainstream genres of pop, rap and other similar genres. Rock and Metal are sadly, not in the majority anymore. It ain’t dead, and never will be, don’t get me wrong, but when you make the billboards as a Metal Band, that hasn’t always been recognized as a big band (Example: Metallica), you know you’ve put out one hell of an album. And Ironboud did just that. It was the first album by the band in nearly 20 years that made the Billboard 200, coming in at a strong 31. And if that fails to impress, well, the music on the album is nothing short of the mosh starting, running like hell, double kick energy that Thrash Metal is supposed to be.

9. Dead Heart in a Dead World – Nevermore

The new millennium got a real gem out of Nevermore when they released this album. Covering subjects that are covered all around in Metal, such as religion, war, and politics, this album was anything a fan could expect out of Thrash Metal. Even if it did get a little weird. Let’s just say that perhaps covering Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence” wasn’t the band’s brightest move (it’s a really weird rendition), but never-the-less, they certainly made it their own, and made one of their better albums of the new music era.

8. Dark Roots of Earth – Testament

Testament has been a little out of the loop with waiting 9 years to release anything after “The Gathering”, but certainly made some heads rise with 2008′s “Formation of the Damned”. Well, with their latest installment of their discography, let’s just say the number of rising heads should rise tremendously. With new-found energy, and a wonderful addition of Gene Holgan behind the drum kit, Testament’s energy has never been better it would seem (in this writer’s humble opinion). Sure the classics of “Practice what You Preach” and other classic albums are likely going to be preferred, but with this addition, the fanbase if you ask me is only going to get stronger.

7. Death Magnetic – Metallica

Okay. Let’s face the sad truth. The way Metallica goes about their music, sound, and direction can sometimes be nothing more than infuriating. I do not understand how Bob Rock convinced them to let the production of St. Anger go the way it went. I do not understand why they think their latest work with Lou Reed was at all good. I do not understand why they left Thrash Metal at all in the first place. But I DO know that I am thankful they returned to it in 2008. Because after finding music savior, Rick Rubin, and after a very long journey of not so appealing albums, Metallica gave us their best album since 1988′s “…And Justice for All”. One of the longest albums they’ve recorded, the riffs were energetic the beats were fast, and EVERYONE was praising the Lord when they were hearing Kirk doing solos again (a feat that was not at all present in St. Anger). Yes, it still wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and the loudness production could get annoying, but let’s just say that most of Metallica’s fanbase praised the return to Thrash Metal, and I hope they stay well in the area for their next album. As do we all. Because I am sure Metallica in the minds of a lot of people is very close to striking out, if they haven’t struck out already.

6. The Blackening – Machine Head

Machine Head is on it’s own, a force to be reckoned with. They’ve given us a number of albums that are nothing short of amazing. But the emotion and drive behind 2007′s “The Blackening” was just mind blowing. And I will go ahead and single out the song “Aesthetics of Hate”, a song written as deliberate retaliation to a very infuriating article concerning the murder of Dimebag Darrell. In this article, the writer, gave praise to the murderer, Nathan Gale, showing no remorse, no sympathy, and no love for guitarist, Dimebag Darrell. Needless to say, this got under a LOT of Metal fans, especially Robert Flynn, vocalist to Machine Head. You can definitely hear the anger behind his voice in this song. Now just put that song in this album of more gems, and you got yourself, one hell of a thrash album.

5. The System Has Failed – Megadeth

Megadeth, right before the Millenium hit, took a nasty trip in their musical direction. Ever since “Countdown to Extinction”, Dave Mustaine was just not as satisfied with the music. Countdown was so close to hitting number one on the billboard, and he just knew in himself it was only gonna get harder. And with his guitarist no longer wanting to work in the Metal genre, things were just getting grim for Megadeth’s future. Well…he got his game together and in 2004, he kicked back into Thrash Metal, with an album, one reviewer called “Damn near perfect”. And let’s face it…it was the best Megadeth had sounded since the good days, with songs like “The Scorpion” and “Die Dead Enough” just blasting through the album. Hell, even the cartoon show “Duck Dodgers” featured a song from this album. And Megadeth has been sounding good ever since, releasing more gems like “United Abominations”, and “Endgame” in the later years. It’s good to have Dave Mustaine back in the game. Even if his albums aren’t going number one on the billboard. I don’t think he cares anymore. Just look at what Billboard popularity did to Metallica…

4. Tempo of the Damned – Exodus

Remember that band from San Fransisco, that had the guitarist from Metallica, and kicked ass, even after the guitarist went to Metallica? Where the hell were they in the 90′s? I’ll tell you where they weren’t. Around. After 1992, the band broke up, split. Reunions came and went. There wasn’t new material in sight. Well…2004 saw a change to that. And damn…it sounded wonderful. Sure, fans would likely still choose the earlier material over this, but it was a great triumph over their last studio work, “Force of Habit”. It was a great way to come back into the scene, and a great way to show the fans, “We’re not dead yet.” And they only went to work after 2004, giving us three more studio albums, and a re-recording of their first album. If you ask me none meet the quality of this album, but it just goes to show Thrash Metal is coming back baby…

3. Omega Wave – Forbidden

Speaking of new material from old bands, ever heard of Forbidden? Well I didn’t until they came and played at a small metro tavern type thing. I guess they were around in the early 80′s, and late 90′s. And then disappeared. And sadly I wasn’t actually in the concert. I just had someone get me a CD. A purchase to this day I don’t at all regret making. “Omega Wave” was filled with triumph, after triumph, after triumph of full Thrash Metal energy. The vocals screamed, the drums blasted, the solos shredded, and you were just BEGGING for more. You know you got a good album if you’re begging for more. I am desperately hoping these guys return to the studio again, because this album was mind-blowing. It’s not often that a blind CD purchase I make gives me such thrill.

2. World Painted Blood – Slayer

Let’s face it. You CAN’T have a Thrash Metal list without listing…AT LEAST ONCE, the very masters of Thrash. Slayer is about as dark, as evil, and as perfect as Thrash Metal will ever get. And let’s just say that though they returned to Thrash in 2001 with “God Hates Us All” and 2006 with “Christ Illusion”, both those albums though great, lacked something. Well, whatever was lacking, was there in 2009′s “World Painted Blood”, and marked yet another successful chapter in Slayer’s long, controversial, and energetic career as one of the best, if not the best Thrash Metal band in the history of Metal. Hanneman and King, both shredded away. Araya was ranting and shouting as he always had before (regardless of his neck surgery). And with Lombardo’s return, I think it was a full blown explosive re-entry from Slayer’s trek through the desert. This album, shouted to fans, “We’re back, and we are here to stay!” And with a new album soon coming…it’s only questioning on how it could get any better.

1. Worship Music – Anthrax

The return of Anthrax could not have gone any better. Years of unsuccessful albums and little energy cost Anthrax dearly. And to be honest, I did not at all have high expectations for their upcoming, and highly anticipated “Worship Music”. Well…one can imagine my shock at to how beautiful it was. It opened perfectly. It played on, perfectly. And ended perfectly. And I wished it never ended because it quickly became my favorite Anthrax album, and my pick for 2011′s album of the year. The return of Joey’s voice was highly praised by the fanbase, and I don’t hold any dislikes there. His voice easily doubled in power with his return. Some of the songs on this album were catchy as hell, and hearing the intense beats and riffs back in the band that made it big in the 80′s was just awesome. If there is one album that defines Thrash Metal’s comeback, this is it.