英国Vintage民谣吉他 — 值得你的期待


上海梯捷乐器(Teamjet Music)代理的英国销量王者—Vintage吉他的民谣大军终于登陆中国市场了,之前的Vintage电吉他凭借其超高信价比和经典的音色一定给各位留下了不错的印象,这次到货的民谣吉他一定也不会令大家失望。

Thinking of buying an acoustic or electro acoustic guitar? Obviously you want the best possible guitar you can get for your money.
The guitar that looks the best, sounds the best and is available at the best possible price for you. In that case, it’s got to be a Vintage.
The range of Vintage acoustic guitars offer fantastic value. With its keen value-for-money approach, the comprehensive Vintage line-up of acoustics and electros has allowed us to present a collection of guitars we’re extremely proud of.
— 设计师 Trevor Wilkinson

https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzE4NTk1Mjg4.html (Vintage民谣吉他视听)

https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzg0MDg3MTE2.html (Vintage民谣吉他视听)

https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzE4NTk0OTM2.html (Vintage民谣吉他视听)

Vintage 民谣吉他所获奖项:

英国Vintage吉他 中国总代理 上海梯捷乐器(Teamjet Music)