Ozzy Osbourne当选为美国的 重金属总统

Ozzy Osbourne当选为美国的“重金属总统”(President of Heavy Metal)

Two of metal’s greatest vocalists go toe-to-toe in the semifinals of our President of Heavy Metal election. The infinitely ordained ‘Metal God’ in Judas Priests Rob Halford has been a favorite from the start, having taken Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe and Slayer shredder Kerry King out of the running. The ‘Screaming For Vengeance’ legend is now set to face the ‘Bark at the Moon’ icon.

Ozzy Osbourne is another one of metal’s finest vocalists. Along with Halford, Ozzy would make any Top 10 list of metal’s greatest all-time singers. Ozzy defeated disgusting space monster Oderus Urungus in the first round, before eliminating one of rock and metal’s most beloved figures, Tool’s Maynard James Keenan, in the quarterfinals. We’ve got an amazing matchup in this semifinals round, and it’s all up to you to decide who moves on to the finals.
Rob Halford or Ozzy Osbourne? Cast your vote in the poll below! Voting for this round ends on Friday, Nov. 2 at 10am ET. Fans can vote once per hour, so keep coming back to make sure that your favorite metal musician wins!

Apparently, there’s a big election happening soon. That’s about as much research as we’ve done so far, but no matter, we’ve got something a bit more interesting to provide you — the 2012 President of Heavy Metal election!

There are many leading bands, songs and albums in the world of metal, but there has never been a solid consensus when it comes to choosing metal’s President.
From old-school metal pioneers like Ozzy Osbourne and Rob Halford to thrash metal veterans like James Hetfield and Dave Mustaine to new-school icons like Corey Taylor and Randy Blythe, there are several candidates that could hold the seat of President of Heavy Metal.
We begin with 16 metal icons, and after four rounds of elimination, the polls will close on Nov. 6, at 11:59pm ET. Then, on Nov. 7, the President of Heavy Metal will be decided!
Voting for Round 1 closes on Tuesday, Oct. 23. at 10am ET. Fans can vote once per hour, so keep coming back to make sure that your favorite metal musician wins!

趁着美国总统大选的火热势头,摇滚界也组织了自己的总统选举,最终奥兹-奥斯本(Ozzy Osbourne)当选为美国的“重金属总统”(President_of_Heavy_Metal)。
共有16位摇滚明星参加了重金属总统的竞选。选举按照淘汰制,共分四轮。每组两人竞争,得票数较多者晋级下一轮。激流金属四巨头中,金属乐队(Metallic)的主唱詹姆斯-赫特菲尔德(James Hetfield)、大屠杀(Megadeth)的主唱戴夫-马斯泰恩(Dave Mustaine)、Slayer的吉他手凯里-金(Kerry King)均止步于第二轮。唯有炭疽(Anthrax)的吉他手斯科特-伊恩(Scott Ian)第一轮就被摩托头(Motörhead)的主唱莱米-凯尔米斯特(Lemmy Kilmister)淘汰。
罗伯僵尸(Rob Zombie)在前两轮分别击败铁娘子(Iron Maiden)乐队的主唱布鲁斯-迪金森(Bruce Dickinson)和戴夫-马斯泰恩,第三轮又战胜强劲对手莱米-凯尔米斯特。奥斯本首轮轻松击败Gwar乐队的外星怪兽Oderus Urungus,随后挑战工具乐队(Tool)主唱梅纳德-基南(Maynard Keenan)和犹大圣徒(Judas Priest)的主唱罗伯-哈尔福德(Rob Halford)。终极竞争在奥斯本和罗伯僵尸间展开。这可是货真价实的竞选,直到投票截止前的最后一分钟,两人还在各自的博客上拉票。最终,在十万名选民中,奥斯本获得50.82%的支持率,以1.64的微弱优势取胜。
奥斯本今年63岁,有“黑暗王子”、“重金属教父”之称,是黑色安息日(Black Sabbath)乐队的主唱。他的个人演艺事业和其他产业也非常成功,目前在全球的专辑销量已超过一亿。


黑色安息日乐队(Black Sabbath)日前透露,他们已经为重组后的新专辑录制了六首歌曲。
黑色安息日乐队吉他手托尼-伊奥米(Tony Iommi)此前表示,他们这张告别之作中一共将收录15首歌曲,他在接受英国媒体采访时说:“我们已经创作了15首新歌,这些歌已经全部排练过,目前我们正在录音阶段,大概录完了六首。”
据了解,黑色安息日乐队这张新碟将大约在明年四月份发行,伊奥米日前确认,乐队原鼓手比尔-沃德(Bill Ward)不会参与这张专辑的录制。“我们始终关心着比尔,但我认为现在的情况已经不像以前那样了。”托尼-伊奥米说。
上个月,比尔-沃德在一部名为《On The Road – Black Sabbath and the Birth of Heavy Metal》的重金属纪录片接受采访时表示,他愿意改善自己同黑色安息日乐队其他几位成员之间的关系。沃德说:“如果能够与黑色安息日乐队继续合作,我非常愿意继续为它效力。我想要演奏硬摇滚音乐,我想继续打鼓,我喜欢与吉泽-巴特勒(Geezer Butler,黑色安息日贝斯手)一起合作,我喜欢与奥兹(Ozzy Osbourne,黑色安息日主唱)合作,我也喜欢与托尼(黑色安息日吉他手)一起表演。”
黑色安息日乐队压轴参加了本年度的Download音乐节,此外,他们还在伯明翰的02 Academy以及八月份的Lollapalooza音乐节上演出,在这些演出中担任鼓手的都不是比尔-沃德。不难看出,沃德想要再次回归的难度的确不小。